Stress Killers Class - Presented by Dr. Bruner, Geaux Chiro
Through this course you will gain the understanding of:
The types of stress
The effects of stress effects on overall health
The effects of stress effects on hormones
The effects of stress effects on our nervous system
Stress hormones and their link with of weight gain
Real strategies you can you to control and OWN stress and change your hormones
* Important note: This workshop with Dr. Bruner represents his perspective, philosophy and experience. While mane people have benefited greatly from his approach, every person is different and there is no 'one size fits all approach', therefore it may not be the best approach for you. No information given in this presentation is in any way intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease or infection. No information given in this presentation is an any way intended to treat or prevent the COVID-19 virus. If you have been exposed or think you have been exposed, we ask for you to seek proper medical care and testing. *